9:10 AM |
haven't been updating for quite.. erm.. few days. haha. finished my whole promos last friday with a difficult paper: accounts. it wasn't what i had expected. well what done cannot be undone, just hope HOPE that i can be promoted. i want nth else but that. pray hard*
so that evening, some of my old pals and i gathered at the park beside the canal. i suppose it is a park. haha. asked hazirah and aminah to join. lol. we missed out the lanterns but we didn't miss out the candles. brought quite a few packets of candles there. some were lighting up the candles while some chatted. practically everyone was talking at that time. haha. then she blurted out her problems.
well what can i say? those ppl only have brains but not characters. i wonder how will they survive in the society and how do their parents teach them? so what if they are from top schools? they also end u in poly. wanna show off? go clear ur ass and get a master at the age of 17. how dare u fuckers look down on my friend and isolate her? don't u think that u are all so childish? hey! fuckers! listen up. i can't really think of any good reason why u all want to isolate her. why? why? she was given the lowest marks all thanks to u ppl for not giving her a chance to present. is this what u want, bastard and bitches? tell me what the fucking hell is FAIRNESS?? U FUCKING PPL TELL ME!! so what if u guys are so out spoken? what does it shows? u have guts to speak out? so u can bully her? clean ur ass and fuck off now.
enough of all the scoldings. it seriously do affect my mood. if she is that bad, why can i still be so close to her?
ok. here are some pics i took during that night.

i underestimated myself, my body. i thought that i could withstand the whole day with just two hrs of sleeping. lucky my class wasn't in the arts appreciation thing. i seriously dunno how to appreciate arts, i only know how to draw rubbish and call it anna's masterpiece. lol. i know, i am a useless brat. haha.
have roller skating today in the morning. erm quite fun. then after that went to watch Singapore Dreaming. haha it was funny. quite nice. i like the part whereby the husband asked the wife to give him a trial interview. his wife stare at him for a while then she asked him 'have you eaten?' lol i bursted into laughter. i forgot what did the husband said, but after that his wife asked him another question, if i m nt wrong the qn was 'do you want to drink herbal tea?' lol. i almost slide off the chair. ok i am just exaggerating but its just simply too funny.
after watching that movie, we went to eat n after that left kim, xinling, roshini and me. the 'highway' girl brought us to a shop which totally doesn't suit our personalities. lol. kim what are you doing? lol. hen she walked into the times bookshop where we just browse around. and kim was so dirty! u all don't wanna know the content of the 'happenings'. its damn dirty. lol.
yeah tmr is dragon boating. can't wait to go. i wanna get myself tanned!
i hate it when u treat me so good. i hate it when u praise me? why are u doing all these things? sorry but i have to say this, we can't go any further but to remain as friends. because our characters and interests don't match. sorry.
i just realise that i have spended almost 1 hr in typing rubbish. lol my dog is cute right? haha.

PS: when u never strike the lottery, u must say 'BLOODY HELL'. haha i learn it from sg dreaming.