11:19 PM |
I will never find another lover
Sweeter than you
Sweeter than you
And I will never find another lover
More precious than you
More precious than you
Girl you are
Close to me you're like my mother
Close to me you're like my father
Close to me you're like my sister
Close to me you're like my brother
You are the only one,You're my everything
And for you this song I sing
All my lifeI prayed for someone like you
And I thank God that I
That I finally found you
All my lifeI
prayed for someone like you
And I hope that you
Feel the same way too
Yes, I pray that you do love me too
I said, you're all that I'm thinking of
Said I promise to never
Fall in love with a stranger
You're all I'm thinking of
I praise the Lord above
For sending me your love
I cherish every hug
I really love you
You're all that I ever know
When you smile on my face
All I see is a glow
You turn my life around
You picked me up when I was down
You're all that I ever know
When you smile my face glows
You picked me up when I was down
You're all that I ever know
When you smile my face glows
You picked me up when I was down
And I hope that you
Feel the same way too
Yes I pray that you
Do love me too
ahh i want this song so much! nah. i have the song already but i want to put inside my blog however kim has it inside her blog. hai. so nice! so loving! ahh...!! and thanks london for sending me this song. its damn nice. haha. and MI is great for giving me this opportunity to work as an invigilator. its fun. to me its a nightmare to handle primary school kids because i have handle them once. its better to handle a grp of st john cadets than them. at least they were able to listen to my instructions, though there might be some unhappiness involved but overall it was quite fun. i rmb once i have to handle this grp of primary school kids in some childcare centre. oh my god, it was terrifying! worse than watching a horror movie. i have to scream on the top of my voice but they just can't settle down. n i scream n scream n scream like a madwoman. lucky no one brings me to mental insitute. =) so being a teacher is a NONO for me.
hai i want to be a zookeeper. serious serious! but i am scare that my parents n relatives will object especially my granny. =(
anyway today's invigilaton was great. i can actually see my childhood inside them. haha. and i miss my childhood! i can even spend around one hr in the toy section. and i still want to buy the sea monkey! can anyone please kindly buy it for me? i will thank u 43v3r! lol.
hai. tmr is promotion day. =( dun think i can promote. how how? what can i do? hai. i can only blame myself for this. :'(

nvm pray to this god. haha the ultimate god!
bingyong, i know u are looking at my blog. u better tag my blog and bleach my shirt ar!! anyway study hard k? and wash harder! haha. got rewards one u know! haha. ur reward is *drum rolls* me! -.-! so dumb haha. i scare that i cannot promote! damn scare! how how?!??!?!?! hai.