12:39 AM |

ok. i suppose to do my homework now but but.... i don't know how to do all those integration questions! No. Actually i know how to do but my answers are all wrong. argh.. where did i go wrong? where? where? and ms junn, why do you always go home so early?
COMMON TESTS ARE APPROACHING! AHHHHHH!!!!! why must it be on the 5th? why why why? i hate it! i hate tests!
anyway i changed my braziliano praia to a smaller size. i'm small ok. haha but but.. the guy in that store is so CUTE!! woohoo..!! haha. cute cute CUTE!
it seems like my blog is so dead. why nobody wants to tag? hello. is there anyone looking at my blog now? yeah :) no :( i guess there is no one. sign. nvm. my blog is so unpopular.