ok lets talk abt ytd. stupid yvonne! call me out when i don't want to go out at all. sign. nevermind, she manage to convince me and anyway i didn't catch up with her for a very long time so just meet her. argh.. the reason i didn't want to meet her was because of my hair. i got it cut the day before and its freaking short. just 2cm away from my ears. what the hell! how am i going to face ppl? anyway whats done cannot be undone. :((
went to roam around with her in sun plaza. haha. it was plain fun. :)) coz sun plaza doesn't have any interesting place. after that, i went over to my cousin's house. haha. got a pretty nice dress from her. but the saddest thing was, the dress doesn't cover from the top to the bottom, i have to bare my shoulders. awww! its my first time wearing that dress. yvonne! i dun care lah. i am going to wear the green cardigan over it. because i feel kinda weird without it. haha. it seems weird if i bare my shoulders.
well, then today, i meet yvonne again. yeah guesss where we went? VIVOCITY! haha. intially we thought it was huge. nah it wasn't really that huge. but its bigger than causeway point. its damn cold inside vivocity. think they might switch the aircon to full blast and it was giving me headache. and yeah, we took some pic together. ^^v
on top of vivocity, there is this area whereby its fill with three big pools. not deep at all, and you can actually walk through it. thats what yvonne and me did. haha.
haha. she's shy. yeah yeah.
our wet footprint. in case you are wondering which is mine, the one which is the nicest n neatest is mine! lol
contradictory. we were being laughed for wearing our slippers inside the water and its hard to wear with different slippers on our feet. ha
then we went to find thahara and huda in starbucks. double yay! huda still look the same and thahara cut her hair! haha sweet little cutie. hope to see u in the diploma course! and the two drinks above were made by them. haha. its delicious! but too bad, before looking for them, i ate oyster mee sua. haha. damn full. sorry that i couldn't finish the drink!. haha. thumbs up for the drink.

haha. yvonne was the cause of dirty this starbucks table. haha. spank her butt! opps! dun bash me up. help!>.<
starbucks tissue. isn't the logo nice? its cool right? haha.
us. posing in mrt. lol. i know its lame. haha =x
and in the previous entry i didn't really mention abt some of my friends.
yvonne: you are the greatest friend in my life! haha. when u wanna go kayaking and sun tanning ar? i am getting whiter while waiting for you!!! haha. good luck for ur pw and a level chinese! catch up with you soon! and rmb the sakura ok?
elizabeth: hey gal! good luck for your o levels! must score distinction for every subject. dun disappoint me! :))
jialing: sorry that i didn't spare any time for you. but but... study hard k? dun make me sad hor! if not..... haha.
sokleng: dun be sad! smile in the inner and the outer. dun keep it inside ur heart. coz i will know. =P
fennie: happy working! lets work hard in pre u 2!
james: stop all ur hard gay lah. haha. pre u 2 le leh. must work hard ar. exams dun have hard gay ar! haha. when can we ever play frisbee?
hazirah: when can we ever play badminton?
to the firsbee gang: i miss playing frisbee with u guys! sobsob :((