He drowns in his dreams
An exquisite extreme I know
He's a damned as he seems
More Heaven than a heart could hold
And if I tried to save him
My whole world could cave in
Just ain't right
Just ain't right
Oh and I don't know
I don't know what he's after
But he's so beautiful
Such a beautiful disaster
If I could hold on
Through the tears and the laughter
Would it be beautiful
Or just a beautiful disaster
He's magic and myth
As strong as what I believe
A tragedy with
More damage than a soul should see
And do I try to change him
So hard not to blame him
Hold on tight
Hold on tight
I'm longing for love and the logical
But he's only happy hysterical
I'm waiting for some kind of miracle
Waiting so long
He's soft to the touch
But frayed at the ends he breaks
He's never enough
And still he's more than I can take
i m so damn in love with this song!
this is a 'poem' which i saw on a table in LR5 during accounts lesson.
when u don't know what u don't know
you will find out what u don't know
when u find out what u don't know
u will know what u don't know!.
haha. its the lamest poem that i ever came across. damn lame and it tickled my stomach when i read it. lol. finally i blogged! yeah yeah! damn tml is my birthday! and at the same time, its my school parents' meeting! damn to the max damn! why should the meeting ruin my day? and tml will be the day where my parents will see my 'marvellous' results. argh.. can't run away from the scoldings and stuff. ahh.. whatever!!
bingo seems to be the 'in' game for these few days. i have been playing it with roshini [did i spell her name correctly?] haha. its all because of her i am in the bingo craze now. haha.but thanks to her i managed to keep myself awake, especially during maths lesson. haha.
yeah! got another version of beautiful disaster from JL. thanks dude! haha.
I've been thinking about you, my love
And all the crazy things that you put me through
Now I'm coming around, throwing it back to you
Were you thinking of me, when you kissed him
Could you taste me when you licked his skin
And all that while I showered you with trust and promises
What I'm needing now is some sweet revenge
To get back all that I lost then
I gave you all I had to give, but I could never reach you
I thought I knew you
Once again, you used me, used me
Adrienne, I should have left you
Long before you used me, used me up
Spent my money, drove my car
I treated you like a shining star
But in my sky all burnt out you are
And I'll have the last laugh, when I see you walking with someother guy
'Cause I know you are gonna end up all alone
So take these words, some good advice
All you've done's gonna come back twice
You never cared how much it hurt, I really need to tell you
What I'm needing now is some sweet revenge
To get back all that I lost thenI gave you all that
I had to give, but I could never reach you
didn't do much for these few days. just got back some of my results. i am so damn disappointed with it. seriously i do, and now i can feel the pressure of promos even though it is just three moths away from now. i am starting to question myself. am i suitable for MI? nevermind. i shall just face the challenge which is my end of year promos.
went out with bing yong on wednesday. haha. it was coincidence that we wore the same colour tee shirt. haha. purple [the spiritual colour which one of my classmate said]. haha. yeah. we are the spiritual people. went to hans and eat. i wanted to order this tenderloin steak but its too expensive for me and before that i used up $10 just to buy one mashimaro! so sick! but nvm, i did a good deed. and hey! i am a kind soul ok!. lol. ok. lets continue.... so i just ordered this black pepper steak.

haha. thats my black pepper steak. lol. does it look appetizing? haha my my! i should have pick the tenderloin steak. nevermind. i am going out this saturday again. haha. i need to have a break if not i will be stress to death! haha. and ya, bingyong wanted to take one pic with me but u know i am a very shy gal so i didn't want. but the tigress her forced me to take one pic with her, so i guessed that i dun have a choice but to take a pic with her. and i took it UNWILLINGLY! haha.
look at this pic and u will know. haha. what a stupid face! lol.
hai. been a bit stress for this few days. fortunately my weekends are over! haha. yesterday then i found out that i actually did the wrong question for accounts and i dun need to do the entire journal entries for each tansaction. damn. wasted my time doing it. and when i reached the mrt station today, lorraine then broke the news to me saying that we don't need to do the groupwork because mrs wong haven't give us the percentage for the cash discount yet. T.T i was on the verge of breaking down. my god! but luckily i still have some controls over my emotion. haha. oh ya. went to work ytd and guess what, wah zai made this breads with eggs n fruits.

it looks disgusting from here but hey,! mind u. its delicious ok!! dun ever judge a food by its appearance. just like the smelly beancurd. never judge it by its smell. it is actually quite tasty if u dare to try ar! haha.
and... i was so damn elated that i cleared my accounts and chinese. even though i passed my chinese but i am not soooo000oooo satisfied with my marks. damn i should get higher than that. T.T nvm. work hard for my promos. haha.
listen to the ex theme song for last year's national day. gosh! i miss the sign language so much! and i miss the ppl participated for that and those ppl who taught me sign langauge! T.T haha.
ok. lets all pray that i am able to clear my maths paper and my mind will be in peace. haha. =))
study, work, study, work. thats how i spent my weekend. a dull weekend instead of a fun and interesting one. T.T who can save me from this miserable state? hai. no mood to type anymore.
my my my! its been a long time since i updated my blog. haha. i have no time. even if i have, i am too lazy to blog. lol. hai. i was bombared with so many damn homework. accounts, management and maths. damn. so many. yesterdday, i spent about 1 hour to finish one question. god! and i have two question left. i think i might take 2 hrs or more than that. T.T no time ar! i still need to iron my school uniform and pe tee shirt! god! can someone please help me!?!!? and the worse thing is, parents' meeting is gonna to be on my birthday. damn. i am so damn down in my luck!
and becuase of all these stupid homework, i couldn't meet nick out. sandy and i were intending to go to chinatown because both of us were broke and i think that nick never go there before, so just show him around. but but but.... homework!! argh.... maybe i go out with him this tuesday haha. anyway wednesday don't have school. lol. speaking of school, i wonder 06B4 can stay together as a class or not. it seems like my class is breaking apart. i think ar, she was quite sad when they didn't let her participate in the show. dun be sad k? u will have the chance next tym.
oh ya, went to work just now. haha. i was just joking with that taiwanese lady abt the gems which she made herself and she really gave it to me. anyway thanks MEI NU! i deeply appreciate!
can u see what is this? its a bit blur ar. but nvm still can see. actually i also dunno what is this. but this is the first gift i ever receive from a customer! haha. i am so elated! and talking abt this 'mei nu', she took a bagful of peanuts by herself,without paying and he saw it. and immediately he confronted serene and walter. hey its not that i wanna say this but this is ur regular customer, she is like ur money tree who always come here during weekends and school holidays. beside this, she treated ur assets [ staffs ] very well. what more can u ask for? why should u be so picky over this small little things? stingy little fellow. hey u but peanuts in bulk and u can get discounts for it. and so for u i guess one packet only cost u 2 bucks or lesser and u .... forget abt it. it boils my blood. hope i can go out with my friend real soon!. don't wanna neglect him because of my studies. =))
oh my god! oh my god! oh my god!! nick is back! yeah! finally! i miss him so much! receive his msg while working. haha. thats great!
argh.. i dun wanna be the hoster anymore! its so boring!! i wanna excerise my mouth! gonna stay up and watch the grand final of world cup! haha. i even bought campbell soup and 3 pieces of garlic bread! lol.

haha this is how my cutie pie sleeps. haha. see he is sooo cute!! even when he is asleep! love u to the core! ok. i'm going to watch tv. post tmr.
meet james ow, cheuk yin and sok leng at 5.30 but everyone was late, as usual -.-! then they went to the christian shop to buy soething for jiaxin and i sent my friend to my workplace. haha. sry guys, couldn't go with u to but the present! haha. they bought a mug and a card. hai. didn't get the chance to see the mug. ok. then sok leng suggested that we go to changi airport and eat. haha so ya we went there. but the central problem of us was, we couldn't decide what to eat. there were a lot of restaurants, mac , burger king.. but i am totally turn off by fast food restaurants. haha. ok so i counted upon three and asked them to say out what they want. then james ow said ' fish and co' while sok leng and cheuk yin said out ' sakae sushi' haha. and as usual, the majority win. so james, if there is a g athering next time, we go to fish and co for our dinner ok? haha. damn. no buffet was available. haha. if i am not wrong. we ate until $103.03. ya. the most funniest thing was james and khairul they shared this set of sushi which was a party set. haha. that was a lot of sushi and they stuffed into their mouths. haha. funny!

and this was what james did to my poor watermelon! he put three toothpick below the watermelon and then on top of the watermelon is a cucumber, a thin string of cucumber. haha. and he ate this. lol. after that sok leng took out the card and asked us to sign our name on it, then she asked ' hey u guys are funny, why did u all choose a card which is partially teared??' haha. i think thats what she asked. lol. then i suggested that ' why don't we taer the other part, thenn it will be equal!' haha and james ow agreed but ok leng don't want. so no choice. lol. another chance to show my artistic side was being tarnished by sok leng! lol. so bad! >.<
after that we searched for jx. haha. woah a lot of her friends were there. haha then she couldn't entertain us. haha. nvm, its ok! u dun need to say sorry. ya and we took a photo with her. our last photo! T.T
haha. can u see the two jokers behind us! lol. haha. and we were so shocked by iris's appearance! haha. she looked so different! lol. after all her jx friends were gone, we sat somewhere and think of what to say to her. our motive was to make her cry. intially we thought of giving her a mass hug! but.. haha. but.. before that we chatted with her a but. after that khairl asked ' can we hug u?' haha. and she said 'can.' then we stand there, looking at her. lol. that was so funny! haha. ya then we gave her a hug individually. she didn't cry at all! my god! JIAXIN WE GONNA MISS U!
after that we headed to sembawang. luckily there's bus 858 if nt we are going to be stuck in the airport. lol. then we alighted somewhere in front of 3M around admiratly. and we walked to mac for a chat and i blasted my phone look with songs. 'no music, no life!' haha. ya we went to mac for a chat. haha. and i took some photos in mac. but its all inside sok leng's camera. wait till she sent me the photos then i will post it here. haha. after that we leave at 2 and headed home. thats it. =))
hey guys! listen up! the frisbee team including leasha and sok leng! iris is asking for another gathering! but this time there is no jx. =(( but nvm. ya just choose a date which is suitable for us and we go to fish and co to eat ok? james happy? haha. =))
Seems like just yesterday, you were a part of me
I used to stand so tall,
I used to be so strong
Your arms around me tight, everything it felt so right
Unbreakable, like nothing could go wrong
Now I can't breathe, no I can't sleep
I'm barely hanging on
Here I am, once again
I'm torn into pieces, can't deny it, can't pretend
Just thought you were the one
Broken up, deep inside
But you won't get to see the tears I cry
Behind these hazel eyes
I told you everything, opened up and let you in
You made me feel alright, for once in my life
Now all that's left of me, is what
I pretend to be
So together, but so broken up inside
Cause I can't breathe, no I can't sleep
I'm barely hanging on
Here I am, once again
I'm torn into pieces, can't deny it, can't pretend
Just thought you were the one
Broken up, deep inside
But you won't get to see the tears
I've cried
Behind these hazel eyes
Swallow me, then spit me out
For hating you, I blame myself
Seeing you, it kills me now
No, I don't cry on the outside anymore
Here I am, once again
I'm torn into pieces, can't deny it, can't pretend
Just thought you were the one
Broken up, deep inside
But you wont get to see the tears I cry
Behind these hazel eyes
its my principle to try my very best to sovle my friends' problems but this time round, i can't. just a few hours ago, i was posted to the most difficult problem that u ever faced in my life. i feel so useless that i can't even solve her difficuties. argh.. there goes my principle. accompanied her all the work till 1 plus. sorry that i couldn't accompany u any longer! sorry! i admit that i was a bit sleepy but i can't leave her in a alone right? argh... i am such a failure! what am i going to do? argh ...
anyway, i am so damn elated to receive a letter from jx. someone attempt to open my the letter. argh.. no privacy!! haha anyway thanks dudette. hai. a few more hours away, she is going to terminate her hp plan and a few more hours later i am going to send her off. T.T i gonna miss u soo much!! make sure u write to me ar!
Hey, stay with me
As I'm getting naked
Stripped down to the bone
Hey, I'm afraid
This could get ugly
And I might leave here alone
This is not a mistake
It's the dawn of a new day
Anything goes from now
This is the last of illusions
This is the final trace of innocence
If I'm caught in the middle
I know it will be the end of me
Hey, talk to me
Don't play me with your silence
Whisper it in my mouth
Cause this is not about hate
It's the start of a new way
Everything goes from now
sick! sick! sick! what season is this? why is that everyone is getting sick? especially on mid year exam?!?!? oh damn. what bullshyt is this? lol. oh god please.. save me from this misery. i don't wanna be sick during this period of time! damn. argh.. the mucus kepep on dripping. lol. i know i am disgusting but i am totally annoyed by it. argh.. can't even concentrate while reading the newspaper. lol.
went out to study with hazirah yesterday. should i put it this way? i wasn't studying at all. in fact i spent my time looking at the ppl. of coz, the jap balls stall in front of me. drools. haha. i realized that i dun really like to eat spaghetti after all. haha. like what i have said it is previous entry, i have weird tastebuds. haha. then came aminah. she was there to collect a cd from me. after that then we talked and talked and talked. ok this guy walked pass and hazirah was like looking at me. hey! nonono! i don't like him at all ok! dun be mistaken! and because of this damn thing, i have to confessed them that actually i have a crush on this guy who i really don't know. haha. luckily, i still can rmb how he looks like. lol. i have a spots break up on my body! my palm, thighs and my sole. gosh. its so damn itchy! went to see the doctor as i couldn't endure the itchness anymore! the doctor said that its skin allergy. shocked! never been in this situation before. then he asked me ' did u touch anything?' haha i couldn't recall.
hai. i don't know how to study for my business! i think i gonna fail this test terribly! haha nvm. i believe that i can do better next time. hopefully ar! lol.
ok 4E3 peeps, listen up. its either we gather and celebrate national day together or we have a chalet on that day! we need to have a gathering! okok? lol. --->> an order from ms lim! lol. wish me good luck for my test later! =))
adjusted some areas for my blog and now i am quite statisfied with it. yeah! saw ms lim in the train yesterday. miss her so much! she is still the same old her. heard that she won the most caring teacher award. congrats! anyway she deserved it! and i'm glab that she was my ex form teacher for the past two years, sec 3 and 4. the love which she showered on 3e3 and 4e3, were unlimited. keep up the good work
had a joyful day yesterday. gathered with the frisbee team and eat our dinner at pastamania. i ordered this carbonara. intially when i looked at it, my saliva was drooling out from my mouth. but i couldn't finish it. its not because it didn't taste nice at all but it was too dry and creamy. guess it just don't suit my tastebuds. weird tastebuds. nevermind. after that we took a group photo outside cineleisure. will post it here iomce i get the pic from jiaxin. ah. speaking of her, i appreciate the gift a lot but its a farewell gift. T.T she going to further her studies abroad. i gonna miss her damn lot! in my perspective, she is totally the same as ms lim. 4 more days and she will be gone. let me warn u , dun u dare to slip away before going thru me! and i am serious abt this. then, on our way back, khairul asked us a few questions and u need to observe him CAREFULLY before u can get the answer.
4e3 peeps out there! we might be organising a chalet on national day. is it ok with u guys? nono. make sure u all can go for it because its ONCE IN A LIFETIME and it falls on national day. wouldn't it be nice ?
thats all. i need to get some sleep now.
i gather that, i am really an orchard idiot. haha. =x
just came back from work. today is quite slack. haha. its all due to world cup fever! haha. who wants to stay at that pathetic restaurant eating their pathetic dinner and missing their world cup? i don't think anyone wants it. haha. thats so dumb. unless that person don't like to watch soccer... haha like me! i don't know anything abt it. i am an idiot in this area. haha. didn't study anything today. arghh... and so i have to burn midnight oil! haha. bought a white chocolate latte from coffee bean and 3 different types of cakes from q bread?? ya.. i think thats the name of the shop. haha. hope i won't fall asleep! lol. ok. i will start studying at 12. in the meantime let me crap for a while. oh ya. just now, around the shipyard there, they put fireworks. haha all the customers ran to the playground to watch the fireworks. its amazingly beautiful. but i only managed to catch a glimpse of the fireworks as i was still working at that time. hai. wasted. talking abt fireworks, there is this ending song from bleach. its called hanabi [ fireworks ]. damn nice, u guys should go and listen to it. haha. i forgot to mention abt something yesterday. hmm.. i strongly recommend u all to go and visit azimah's blog. take a look at the left column of her blog. my heart melted as i read it. its so touching! and i am happy that she has found her own happiness. hope u and ur stead will last until very very very looonnngg..... until u both have white hairs..! haha. and.. all thanks to james because i am so crazy about this song, end of me, by marion raven. haha. its so nice! alright. i have to start the ball rolling.
alright. went to school this morning. pratically dragging my feet there. i am so unwilling to go to school early in the morning! but what can i do? withdraw? nah. i haven't even give in my 100 percent yet and u are asking me to withdraw? for goodness sake, i dun wanna give up so soon. persevere is my magic word.
wanted to study after school but i can't find anyone! sok leng went to .... that's why she can't study with me. so sad! =(( luckily i still have hazirah! haha. studied business and maths. but in the middle i admit that we did crap a lot and we spent half an hour man-hunting! haha. we saw a lot of canberreans in sp. ex-canberreans i mean. haha. we even spotted two couples. ok. lets be discreet about one pair ok? the first pair kept on walking here and there, basically they were walking around coffee bean. well as for the second pair, *drum roll....... it was azimah and her stead. they are such a loving couple. and azimah cut her hair!! lol. haha. too bad. when i saw her, she was going down to the basement. but after that she appeared outside of coffee bean! haha then i rushed out and we gave each other a hug! oh my god! i miss u so much! i was so geared up after doing a few log questions. haha. thanks hazirah! its nice challenging u to those questions! haha.
bing yong ar! because of you, right now i am trouble with affairs of the heart. u make me think of him.. and the new him.. i am so speechless. haha. i will be in bliss if i will to be with him ^^ haha. anna! u are thinking too much!
hmm.. just focus on my studies and get well soon! hope that i can get well by tmr so that i can enjoy this sunday to my fullest satisfaction!. haha. god god! let me see him soon! let me get his contact soon! i miss him so much!