Summer's ended and without a trace
Time goes by - while you remain
Funny how I thougt I walked on through
With my heart in one
Why do I still cry for you
Dying to get close to you
Why do I still fear to face
The ghost of you
How I tried to get you off my mind
But you return - all the time
I believed I could just let you go
Like the fool I am
Why do I still cry for you
Dying to get close to you
Oh baby why do I still fear to face
The ghost of you
I've been trying to release you
To get my feet back on the ground
Still I need my hope to hold on to
Even if I know I should back away
It's just a part of me that I can't erase
Baby, baby why
Anyway I try I'm still reminded[The ghost of you]
Anywhere I go I keep colliding with[The ghost of you]
I've given up I just can't fight it[The ghost of you]
Everytime I look away I see
The ghost of you
i know that i love you. and i really do. my once in a year. =))
i like you without knowingly.
you are close yet far.
ok lets talk abt ytd. stupid yvonne! call me out when i don't want to go out at all. sign. nevermind, she manage to convince me and anyway i didn't catch up with her for a very long time so just meet her. argh.. the reason i didn't want to meet her was because of my hair. i got it cut the day before and its freaking short. just 2cm away from my ears. what the hell! how am i going to face ppl? anyway whats done cannot be undone. :((
went to roam around with her in sun plaza. haha. it was plain fun. :)) coz sun plaza doesn't have any interesting place. after that, i went over to my cousin's house. haha. got a pretty nice dress from her. but the saddest thing was, the dress doesn't cover from the top to the bottom, i have to bare my shoulders. awww! its my first time wearing that dress. yvonne! i dun care lah. i am going to wear the green cardigan over it. because i feel kinda weird without it. haha. it seems weird if i bare my shoulders.
well, then today, i meet yvonne again. yeah guesss where we went? VIVOCITY! haha. intially we thought it was huge. nah it wasn't really that huge. but its bigger than causeway point. its damn cold inside vivocity. think they might switch the aircon to full blast and it was giving me headache. and yeah, we took some pic together. ^^v
on top of vivocity, there is this area whereby its fill with three big pools. not deep at all, and you can actually walk through it. thats what yvonne and me did. haha.
haha. she's shy. yeah yeah.
our wet footprint. in case you are wondering which is mine, the one which is the nicest n neatest is mine! lol
contradictory. we were being laughed for wearing our slippers inside the water and its hard to wear with different slippers on our feet. ha
then we went to find thahara and huda in starbucks. double yay! huda still look the same and thahara cut her hair! haha sweet little cutie. hope to see u in the diploma course! and the two drinks above were made by them. haha. its delicious! but too bad, before looking for them, i ate oyster mee sua. haha. damn full. sorry that i couldn't finish the drink!. haha. thumbs up for the drink.

haha. yvonne was the cause of dirty this starbucks table. haha. spank her butt! opps! dun bash me up. help!>.<
starbucks tissue. isn't the logo nice? its cool right? haha.
us. posing in mrt. lol. i know its lame. haha =x
and in the previous entry i didn't really mention abt some of my friends.
yvonne: you are the greatest friend in my life! haha. when u wanna go kayaking and sun tanning ar? i am getting whiter while waiting for you!!! haha. good luck for ur pw and a level chinese! catch up with you soon! and rmb the sakura ok?
elizabeth: hey gal! good luck for your o levels! must score distinction for every subject. dun disappoint me! :))
jialing: sorry that i didn't spare any time for you. but but... study hard k? dun make me sad hor! if not..... haha.
sokleng: dun be sad! smile in the inner and the outer. dun keep it inside ur heart. coz i will know. =P
fennie: happy working! lets work hard in pre u 2!
james: stop all ur hard gay lah. haha. pre u 2 le leh. must work hard ar. exams dun have hard gay ar! haha. when can we ever play frisbee?
hazirah: when can we ever play badminton?
to the firsbee gang: i miss playing frisbee with u guys! sobsob :((
Last day of school. words of thanks.
Sok Leng and Fanny: thanks for ur guidance and everything especially in teaching me h1 maths.
glad to know both of u. thank you!lets endure through the next 2 years
together k? :D
Ms Junn: sorry to disappoint you for the MOB promos, i'm so sorry, but i'll make it a point to
study harder next year and never step into the exam hall without studying MOB!
Roshini: though i never pass my accounts but thanks for teaching me. hopefully we will be in the
same class. lets go out soon! i bet that i will miss u ,little tiny winky pretty roshini!
Mrs Wong: i am sorry to disappoint in my promos. but thanks for being strict with me. at least i
got to know all the basics. and smile more! =D
James Mummy: thanks for crapping with me through this year! haha. lets crap more in the new
campus ok? SAY SAY SAY! :)
Xin Ling: good luck for ur o levels! u are one good real friend of mine! :D
Yvonne: share more problems with me next year in new campus ok? my dear friend in kboxing!
Gabriel: dun always say that u want to go to army lah. u can do it one ok. u got 3H2 leh. why
want to give up without even trying? and u very dao ar. always say me dao. u also dao
what! when u wan to go to kbox?
Jian Lin: haha. where's my sakura international buffet??!?! ah ah ah!
i still have to thank a lot of people but its too much for me to say so please be understanding if i didn't mention about u. ^^ sorry!
PS: i totally despise guys who left their galfriends for another gal. its like what the fuck. if u like the other gal in the first place why bother to stead with her? freaking fucking bastard. its time to CASTRATE these ppl! feel like giving one tight slap which can totally clear ur mind. fuck. hey peeps. rmb to watch out for SUCH GUYS. if u happen to meet one. kick them in their ass or their most precious chicks. don't ever give a damn. coz ur tears are not worth to cry over for them. i hate such ppl.
and ms junn, when can i ever go to ur hse??? =(
here are some random pic which i took in MI bartley. i will miss you dearly! day and night!
hai due to some technical faults i can't put up all the pics except for this. [blame blogspot!] >.<
i miss him. my my... haha. dun ask me who. coz i won't say. my lips are tight. air tighted! =X
woke up damn early in the morning just to attend the job thingy and it only lasted for like 2 hrs. waste my time. but nvm, gt $$$. haha. love my daddy so much! he manage to install the new disc drive into my computer. haha.
after the whole job thingy, i went out with my usuall clicks. haha. went to isetan scotts then eat in mac. oh my god! the ice lemon tea has this funky taste. it seems like its spolit. haha. if i gt food poisoning, i know who cause it. haha. jkjk only. yeah then after that we continue to walk. i'm having wedding woes now, don't really know what to wear for this sun wedding. haix. ad i am damn fussy when it comes to clothes. haha. sorry sorry for my fussiness. aiya. i just think that they dun really suit me lah. lol.
then after that we went to tangs. haha the bottom floor of tangs where all the electrical appliances are place. i was quite fascinated by the appliances especially thte refrigerator. i just love to open each and everyone of them. maybe i am in the preparation of beoming a housewife? lol. and i watched a cooking demonstration for around 20 - 30 mins! shocked? lol. the promotor actually put eggs inside the pans and sort of like roast in. not steam or fry. nth was inside except eggs in aluminium foil. maybe next time i can try it as she claimed that its nicer than hard boiled eggs. strange right? lol.
yeah. am looking forward to this friday. going to the new campus of MI and watching deathnote with my 'mummy' and friends. lol. sorry 'mummy' can't really bring ang guy friends along coz they never tell me whether they are guy or not. lol. never anyway u are bring ur gay friend along right? can make up for the lost time. dun be sad! lol.
fcuk fcuk fcuk fcuk
everything just can't seems go my way yesterday. it was the worst day of my WHOLE life! freaking right? shouldn't it fall on friday the 13? fcuk lah. the sales was damn low yesterday. DAMN LOW! hey. i am working in Isetan Scotts, and it like totally impossible for the sales to be so low! fcuking pathetic! another thing was the aircon over there was freaking cold. couldn't really withstand the cold so the only solution was to fold my arms and jump here and there. But the supervisor thought that ... aiya i dunno what were she thinking abt lah, its just that she sort of like tell me 'gal ar, don't fold ur arms anymore ok?' ....... i was like ... haha... nevermind. another bad thing was my shoes go against me yesterday. it made my feet so pain and i can't even walk properly. -.-! i wear for so long already and this was the first time it actually went against me. the really bad thing which made me damn fcuked up was the MRT!. wah. fancy having a problem still let ppl board. -.-! then the driver asked everyone to alight at newton mrt station. so we just do it. anyway if he didn't annouce this, i think everyone will just alight once the mrt reach the next station. then the next mrt came, i didn't have the chance to board it coz there was just too much ppl. it was damn packed inside. like solid. haha. then the next train came, ya and i did manage to board. But...but..but... the ppl behind me kept on pushing like nobody's buisness. what the hell! worst thing was, they all pushed me to the bangala!. its not that i don't like them, its just that i don't like their body odour. it smelled like... like.... hai.. sobsob. and i have to suffer with that pathetic smell throughout the whole journey. and he even lift up his armpit! i can't tahan!!
but some pleasant did happen ytd. haha. those promotors, cheered me up, especially the twinsaver guy. haha. i hurted his heart by saying that 'so how did u celebrate ur deepavali?' when he is a malay -.-! and i hurted his heart again by asking what was the belt he wore. and when he told me the brand, i just shook my head and say dunno. and he was like... this is branded stuff and u dunno?? what the hell! lol. aiya sorry lah. i'm a country mouse lah. i only know whats addidas, nike, puma, blah blah blah. haha.
I will never find another lover
Sweeter than you
Sweeter than you
And I will never find another lover
More precious than you
More precious than you
Girl you are
Close to me you're like my mother
Close to me you're like my father
Close to me you're like my sister
Close to me you're like my brother
You are the only one,You're my everything
And for you this song I sing
All my lifeI prayed for someone like you
And I thank God that I
That I finally found you
All my lifeI
prayed for someone like you
And I hope that you
Feel the same way too
Yes, I pray that you do love me too
I said, you're all that I'm thinking of
Said I promise to never
Fall in love with a stranger
You're all I'm thinking of
I praise the Lord above
For sending me your love
I cherish every hug
I really love you
You're all that I ever know
When you smile on my face
All I see is a glow
You turn my life around
You picked me up when I was down
You're all that I ever know
When you smile my face glows
You picked me up when I was down
You're all that I ever know
When you smile my face glows
You picked me up when I was down
And I hope that you
Feel the same way too
Yes I pray that you
Do love me too
ahh i want this song so much! nah. i have the song already but i want to put inside my blog however kim has it inside her blog. hai. so nice! so loving! ahh...!! and thanks london for sending me this song. its damn nice. haha. and MI is great for giving me this opportunity to work as an invigilator. its fun. to me its a nightmare to handle primary school kids because i have handle them once. its better to handle a grp of st john cadets than them. at least they were able to listen to my instructions, though there might be some unhappiness involved but overall it was quite fun. i rmb once i have to handle this grp of primary school kids in some childcare centre. oh my god, it was terrifying! worse than watching a horror movie. i have to scream on the top of my voice but they just can't settle down. n i scream n scream n scream like a madwoman. lucky no one brings me to mental insitute. =) so being a teacher is a NONO for me.
hai i want to be a zookeeper. serious serious! but i am scare that my parents n relatives will object especially my granny. =(
anyway today's invigilaton was great. i can actually see my childhood inside them. haha. and i miss my childhood! i can even spend around one hr in the toy section. and i still want to buy the sea monkey! can anyone please kindly buy it for me? i will thank u 43v3r! lol.
hai. tmr is promotion day. =( dun think i can promote. how how? what can i do? hai. i can only blame myself for this. :'(

nvm pray to this god. haha the ultimate god!
bingyong, i know u are looking at my blog. u better tag my blog and bleach my shirt ar!! anyway study hard k? and wash harder! haha. got rewards one u know! haha. ur reward is *drum rolls* me! -.-! so dumb haha. i scare that i cannot promote! damn scare! how how?!??!?!?! hai.
its the same. i am facing the same problem as u guys. i can't really find any joy in it and i hate the myself now. i just can't really open up to them. its hard. just wanna go back to the olden days where i can just play around like nobody's business. hate it hate it!
outgoing? yes i am but how outgoing can the people around me be? i am getting sick n tired of my life. someone please add colours in it. how i wish i can just go over and play frisbee with them. hai. i miss u guys.
haven't been updating for quite.. erm.. few days. haha. finished my whole promos last friday with a difficult paper: accounts. it wasn't what i had expected. well what done cannot be undone, just hope HOPE that i can be promoted. i want nth else but that. pray hard*
so that evening, some of my old pals and i gathered at the park beside the canal. i suppose it is a park. haha. asked hazirah and aminah to join. lol. we missed out the lanterns but we didn't miss out the candles. brought quite a few packets of candles there. some were lighting up the candles while some chatted. practically everyone was talking at that time. haha. then she blurted out her problems.
well what can i say? those ppl only have brains but not characters. i wonder how will they survive in the society and how do their parents teach them? so what if they are from top schools? they also end u in poly. wanna show off? go clear ur ass and get a master at the age of 17. how dare u fuckers look down on my friend and isolate her? don't u think that u are all so childish? hey! fuckers! listen up. i can't really think of any good reason why u all want to isolate her. why? why? she was given the lowest marks all thanks to u ppl for not giving her a chance to present. is this what u want, bastard and bitches? tell me what the fucking hell is FAIRNESS?? U FUCKING PPL TELL ME!! so what if u guys are so out spoken? what does it shows? u have guts to speak out? so u can bully her? clean ur ass and fuck off now.
enough of all the scoldings. it seriously do affect my mood. if she is that bad, why can i still be so close to her?
ok. here are some pics i took during that night.

i underestimated myself, my body. i thought that i could withstand the whole day with just two hrs of sleeping. lucky my class wasn't in the arts appreciation thing. i seriously dunno how to appreciate arts, i only know how to draw rubbish and call it anna's masterpiece. lol. i know, i am a useless brat. haha.
have roller skating today in the morning. erm quite fun. then after that went to watch Singapore Dreaming. haha it was funny. quite nice. i like the part whereby the husband asked the wife to give him a trial interview. his wife stare at him for a while then she asked him 'have you eaten?' lol i bursted into laughter. i forgot what did the husband said, but after that his wife asked him another question, if i m nt wrong the qn was 'do you want to drink herbal tea?' lol. i almost slide off the chair. ok i am just exaggerating but its just simply too funny.
after watching that movie, we went to eat n after that left kim, xinling, roshini and me. the 'highway' girl brought us to a shop which totally doesn't suit our personalities. lol. kim what are you doing? lol. hen she walked into the times bookshop where we just browse around. and kim was so dirty! u all don't wanna know the content of the 'happenings'. its damn dirty. lol.
yeah tmr is dragon boating. can't wait to go. i wanna get myself tanned!
i hate it when u treat me so good. i hate it when u praise me? why are u doing all these things? sorry but i have to say this, we can't go any further but to remain as friends. because our characters and interests don't match. sorry.
i just realise that i have spended almost 1 hr in typing rubbish. lol my dog is cute right? haha.

PS: when u never strike the lottery, u must say 'BLOODY HELL'. haha i learn it from sg dreaming.
in case someone doesn't know this, i hereby announce that:
i love him and he loves me.
yeah thats the story.
he is my husband! my husband ok!!!!
haha. don't try to break us hor hor HOR!!!!
we are happy together. happy ever after.
guess what!
then i can get to free food almost every single day! yeah! i am a good daughter ok! i never ever make my parents angry before. see i am soo000ooo good! *act innocent*
math paper is ok. i just hope that i can pass. pray hard. but for MOB. ms junn. frankly speaking, i think i only can get single digit. the case study, i have nth to comment abt it. SPEECHLESS! but i guess that breadtalk will come out. u should give me some marks becuase of that right? haha. and u are so scary when u walked pass me. i don't want you to look at my crappy answer. haha >.<
didn't do much study at home. yeah! this friday is the final paper! mug harder! then i can play hard! haha.
swing swing swing la la la la la. this song is damn nice! i am falling in love with all american rejects. haha.
i saw... THAHARA!!!!!!
i miss her damn much! haha
don't ask me about the chinese paper. it sux too!!
Ah darn! i'm so scare that i will screw up my maths! i can't afford to do it! hai. somebody help me please........!!!!!!
for these past few days, my internet went bonkers, don't know what happened to it. might be because the router and modern overworked bah. haha. sorry both of you! :(
someone must be thinking so hard about me. i kept on sneezing while doing my maths. so many times!! lol. anna! u are thick skinned. oh well, just wish me good luck for tmr's chinese paper. hope i can do well in it! if i flunk my chinese, i'm going to .... to ..... go bonkers! lol. i can't afford to fail it! >.<

Look at this pic! haha guess what was i doing! haha. don't think dirty dirty ar! haha. someone just wanted to take our pic but we just didn't want to take that shot. anyway thats sokleng, me and su jeng. haha by looking at the picture now, i am having the urge of going out. but but now i m in the midst of promos. hai. why must i take exams? arghh... sobsob mummy and daddy.. I WANT TO GO OUT AND PLAY!