2:50 PM | 0 comments

31th May 2007

no cam-whoring today.
no seeing of my crush.
no entertainment.
no frisbee.
no mud on me.
no layout.
no forehand.
no backhand.
no long D.
no tapping down of disc.
no cycling.
no listening of mp3.
no no no NO... i am so dead.

rrahhhhhh....... i hate the weather. strike me down!!!! i am going to rot at home. read, sleep and eat. sign. my life is just so montonous. come on anna, get some life now! throw the frisbee out of your window! LOL. ahh.. whatever. i have no mood now.

i have been drinking milk for days. haha.milk addict??. arh yes!! haha. but i am sick of banana milk now. eeee...yucks. cant imagine me drinking it for days. haha. all thanks to roy. i thought i told you that i want MILK?? it doesnt mean that my name is anna so you can buy banana milk for me ok! and and, i dont want such a big packet one!! stop it!!.. maybe i shouldnt grumble this much. if shuyun reads this, she is going to kill me. anyway, both of them are such a lovely couple. they went to cut their hair in the wee hour yesterday. aren't they weird? erm.. and shuyun, please dont give me that weird face, we are not together. i am innocent!!! =D and james... i dont want to be call xian jiao

recently, i am becoming more and more sensitive to my ex's name and army. hey! you are not going to turn back, arent you? hai, i hope not. i am trying very hard not to now.

and i hate to stay at home. coz my mum will really blast the radio real loud. no peace for me. i am so stuck in a noisy environment. ): nvm, i will also blast my speaker out loud. lets see who will win this competition.

3:43 AM | 0 comments

Today, 30th may 2007

i did something amazing today! i went back to school for frisbee training for consecutive 5 hrs. haha. we are so burnt now. fennie looks like a baboon, haha she kept on insisting that she looks like a pighead. weirdo. haha. james and eddie... hmm.. they are on the way of becoming one too. LOL. as for me, i am immune to the sun ray, so my skin will only get tanner each time i go under the sun. haha. i dont need to go for any kayaking to get my skin darker. by playing frisbee, the job will be done. =D anyway we will be playing frisbee in bishan park tmr. interested parties, do come down. it will be from 3 to 6. =D

after dinner, the 4 of us went wandering around westmall aimlessly. haha. james was amazed that i actually play computer games. haha. whats wrong with me playing such games? LOL. fennie was the first to go home so she can finish all her homework and watch some korean drama which i am so uninterested in. hardworking arh? unlike me, still indulge in my own world. i dont think i can catch up with her. sign.

we got sick of westmall and decided to take the train to nowhere for fun. haha. nah. our aim was to go to marina bay and bounce back to bukit batok. but james's craving for milk spolit the whole journey. we alighted in jurong east and started loitering. our legs cant withstand the walking and it eventually led us to this neoprint shop where we took wonderful neoprints for FREE!! haha

here are some random pictures which i took.

in the library's mirror.
and now with fennie in! haha.
james, eddie and me in one of the neoprint machine. we took this for FREE!! lol THE THREE HEADED MONSTER!!

eddie eddie.. here we COME!! rahhhh...
trying to be emo? haha. FAT HOPE!
james's sinister crminal pic.. he looks like a venom sticking his tongue out! LOL
eddie's criminal pic. lol. look what he is holding!
ok. this is mine!
the combined pic! nice right? LOL. the good old days. haha. i think we can advertise for the NKF donation call line. haha

the last pic of the day. ojisan and oneisan. LOL. =D

i will rmb this day.

the day where i laughed my whole heart out.

the day where 3 idiots made use of one pathetic $10 neoprint machine for FREE. haha.

the day which i saw my crush sitting down there doing nth. haha. <3<3

life is great with you.. woohoo..!! haha..

But I'm open, you're closed

Where I follow, you'll go

I worry I won't see your face

Light up again

Even the best fall down sometimes

Even the wrong words seem to rhyme

Out of the doubt that fills my mind

I somehow find, you and I collide

hopefully tmr's frisbee session wont turn out to be so violent. i dont want to have another collision. haha. i am so scare of frisbee now. lol. anyway can some females accompany me there? erm.. i mean accompany me to shower. i dont want to bath alone, because bernadette, sokleng and fennie are not going. so please.

now i know that i suck in frisbee. whenever i threw forehand, i will forget how to throw backhand STRAIGHT. whenever i threw backhand, i will forget how to throw forehand TOTALLY. whenever i did short d, i will forget how to throw long d. anna please get this into your coconut head, YOU NEED TO PRACTICE MORE! haha. so handsome, have a little.. patience.. erm.. i want to layout. james...!! are you willing to give me that chance? pass all your courage to me. haha.

looking at the way i eat, i think i am going to grow fat soon. it seems like i am having supper almost every weekends and now supper in the weekdays with ojisan. awww.... i have to curb all my temptations now.

wherever the frisbee goes, i will disregard the pain in my shin, use all my might and catch it. but my stamina is not there. oh well, this means that i have to go now. need to wake up early and jog. maybe i should force myself now. my dear bed is calling. bye. i am on the path of becoming a long-winded old hag. look at this entry!!. its so long!. haha.

2:22 AM | 0 comments

Is my life scripted down?
Should it be, then is falling for you part of the plan?
if not, then should i change the way things were?
for nobody can change the person i like.

i'm so lost in you.

1:19 AM | 0 comments

27th may 2007
dull and tiring day. james and mingjie came over to sengkang to find me. weeeee... lol. nah i asked them to do so coz i wanted to play frisbee after work. but my shin played me out. i cant run and jump properly now. i cant catch any frisbee too. damn sad. what should i do now? my shin seems to be getting out of hand. ahhh.. i cant afford to lose its support bfore the competition.

James took some random pics during frisbee ((:

red shirt, red bag. i'm obsessed with RED! haha.
*tada... my OJISAN!! HELLO!! (:

OJISAN, ME, YANDAO. LOL. i look so ugly inside.. T.T

My frisbee mates. *hugs*they always make my day without fail.

i miss my ec. hope you are doing fine. =)

i need my bed now. bye.

10:18 AM | 0 comments

25th May 2007



james and i ran in full speed, chasing for one frisbee. and guess what, we collided with each other. haha. the impact was tremendous. we fell at the same time and i hurled on the ground, grasping for air. i couldn't really breathe at that point of time. but after a few minutes, i was back to normal. frisbee was so damn violent. and i also feel on my butt today. now the right side of my face is swollen. haha. nevermind, my passion for frisbee is still there. i love it so much!!! =)) my morale is going up now, as i can throw long d now. dont ask me to stop now. my thirst for long d and throwing is there. i just cant stop. please, shin, dont give up on me. i need you to jump real high. now i cant even do a simple defence. T.T

am i just stereotyping?? all just because of that idiotic bitch? maybe i should just quit my thinking. after all there are still some good ppl inside that grp. ppl like this gal who asked abt my injuries. thank u. you are such a nice gal. but i just cant recall who you are now. i'm so sorry.
Gina, i am so sorry for what i have said today. i shouldnt have go against you. its not ur fault at all. i should not let my anger clouds over you. i'm sorry for putting you in such position. and ya, be strong ok? i didnt even cry when i collided with james. so be strong ok? you are an adult

oh yeah! i finally see who is wai ling already!! haha. she doesn't look like me lah. please, stop taking picture of us. arghh...
today, last day of school. supposingly, i should be happy but i'm not really that excited abt it. because i cant see my crush at all. T.T i miss you, my blue.
hey james, i am really sorry that i knocked into you. i shouldn't have go and catch that frisbee in the first place. T.T

just came back from a session of frisbee with yandao, mingjie and james didi. what we did were basically some back hand and forehand throwings. i think i am still lag behind. they have already perfectionalised their forehand and i just managed to throw long d. arghh.. i am such a slow learner. nonetheless, both of them managed to lighten me up. the constellation was amazingly beautiful. the wonder of the universe. haha. how i wish that i could watch it with the person i like so much. but, it is all so impossible.oh well, anna can you stop get over it? anyway CHEERS for 'yandao' and didi!! treat you guys bubble tea next time. not rockery one ok..!! haha.

alright, i am feeling a bit giddy now. guess i used up too much energy in throwing frisbee. my body is demanding for a rest now. hope that my swollen part wont become blue-black. james and mingjie, i'm sorry that i couldn't go to the pick up with you guys. i will make it up to u soon ok? =D

i hope that i can see u in my dream.
i treasured that very book, that very page, very much.
1st day of not seeing you and i already miss you a lot.

is there anyone out there who can help me to get out of this mess? i'm so stuck.

7:52 PM | 0 comments

no school for me today, which means, no sseing of my ec today. but i don't even care a shyt. i actually feel so great. haha. i'm weird? yeah. shin splint? its not really a big deal. after all, i still can run and jump as normal, so... it is not so serious at all. haha. yesterday i was quite piss off by so many things. my anger just accumulate and those ppl were my last straw. i dont want to mention what happened, but after kim told me abt it, woah, i feel so ELATED!! haha. yeah. peace to me! haha. anyway, i managed to let out 1/3 of my anger on frisbee. i threw long D for three times which i thought were impossible!! haha. luck disgusied in misfortune? haha. i guess so. ya, so try to agitate me more. you are actually helping me. :))

after today i have decided not to care so much anymore. want to leave early or whatever.. just let it be. i'll just concentrate on my own skills. :)) because of frisbee, i've changed into a very hot-headed person who always use vulgar words when possible. haha. i am trying hard to change now because frisbee doesn't allow this. i admired other grp so much that i tried to mould them into that way. but ppl seem to be stuck in their own ways. so well, i rather push myself than them. now then i understand why my teacher said don't ever go into a business with your friends. if i can transfer so of my passion towards frisbee to study, everything will be well-balanced. i am trying very hard now.

cheers for roshini, james and kim. sorry that i made you all to take all of my shyt. but now i wont grumble anymore because i have went through that stage. think twice before you want to grumble because you will know how it feels if you lead next time.

KIM!! i feel so great when u told me all those stuff!! i'm so happy so happy.
JAMES [MY OJISAN!!], thanks for talking to me yesterday. sorry that you have to take all my complaints. but i will try very hard now, not to complain that much ok? haha.
ROSHINI! my greatest love of all. i love you so much! dont think too much ok? i am willing to be your punching bag if you need one. :))

6:55 AM | 0 comments

roshini and james, thanks for taking my shyt ytd. i am relieve a bit after talking to both of you. haha i'm so sorry that i made roshini stay i late for me just to talk haha. but iguess you must have enjoy the wonderful conversation right? haha.

9:22 PM | 0 comments

irp.. Irp..IRp..IRP!!!!! I HATE IRPs. i don't understand why must we do it? i know that it is for our own good. BUt what is the use when i just do it blindly, rushing thru the deadline? doesn't this defeat the purpose?? oh well, what can i do? just endure and finish the whole IRP, anna... do this for the sake of your crush okay?

haha thumbs up for ming jie! woohoo. today is the first time i actually felt that the training is fruitful. haha. yeah. so mingjie, be our coach ok?? 0.0 ---->>> ur reaction. my reply --->> =D haha. i want to play frisbee again!!! i have so much energy to spare for frisbee but not for IRP and econs. haha. so ironic right? it doesn't matter because i prefer sports to studies. haha. CHEERS FOR MINGJIE!!! haha. =D

finally, roshini is back in one piece!! yeah, my stadium 'lover' partner. yeah? oklah. its me, only me. i am the only one who likes to spend my breaks in the stadium. haha. and because of that, i have been suffering from some idiotic stomachache. oh well, i think it is worth the sacrifice =) it has been 1 and half month and i am still liking you. when will this ever stop? i know either sonner or later, but when??? i cant continue to be like this because i will be farking emo in the june holiday. =( will there be anyone to cheer me up at that time?

9:33 PM | 0 comments

21th May 2007

When my love for you is blind
But I couldn't make you see it
Couldn't make you see it
That I loved you more than you'll ever know
and part of me died when I let you go

isn't this sweet? haha. i enjoyed being a sinner. yay! but i'm sad now. because my girlfriend is sad. dont think about it anymore. don't ignore me. i swear that i will cry in front of me if you do.
and i am crying now. T.T

i am a sinner. haha. yes.. sin sin sin..!! haha. =p

12:25 PM | 0 comments

20th May 2007

It is a real big SIN to fall for my ec.
awwww........... James! i want to throw frisbee.
Roshini, i'm back to the emo world again. be with me, we look like a couple together! haha.
i miss ______________________!!!! T.T

3:02 AM | 0 comments

20th May 2007

i don't know what was i thinking yesterday. i wasn't having fun in the sports day, in fact most of the time my eyes followed wherever my ec goes. i felt so sick in my mind. i didn't know what happened to me. i didn't eat my dinner at all and surprisingly i didn't get any stomachache. the more i look at my ec, the more i want to play frisbee and run. but apparently i cant, coz my right leg is giving me problems. the worst thing was, i do not even know what caused this problem. haha. sokleng suggested that i should go and try hot milk. ya maybe i should. thanks for the idea dudette! hehe.
i spent my whole day today, emo - ing.

11 plus - 12 plus : i went for a jog.
1 - 3 plus : i watched the legend of the condor heroes.
3 plus - 5 plus : i went to orchard wearing my sports apparel. i think those people must have think that i was a dumb shyt. coz who would wear sports apparel to orchard? haha. and ya, even my colleague was shocked to see me dressed up that way. but i don't give a damn. because i wasn't in the mood to do so. haha
5 plus - 6 plus : i went to throw throw frisbee with mingjie and my best pal, JAMES! haha. ok. their throwings were hard to catch. and i started to get so demoralise that i spent half of my time sitting instead of playing. the best thing was, i am the one who asked james out to play frisbee. haha.
6 plus - 9 : eat dinner and watch my show.
9 plus - 10 plus : i asked james out to play frisbee again. oh well, this time was better. i knew what is my problem in throwings now. haha. thanks for your advise dude! actually i can enjoy the passing but my right leg gave it away. this was the first time i faced such problem. i couldn't even walk properly at that time. haha.

Now i am still thinking of whether to run tmr. hmmm.... ahhhh... i hate my right leg so much that i feel like amputate it. haha. anna, don't be such an idiot.
ahhh.......... i am feeling very random now. =D

5:29 AM | 0 comments

Elated is when i get to see my ec.
Psycho is when i am so crazy over my ec.
Madness is when i yearn for someone who is so impossible to get.
Crazy is when i always think about my ec. Just a small action can cheer me up.
Insane is when i kept on thinking abt my ec at every second and every minute.
Sad is when people do not understand the situation i am in now.
Disappointed is when i hated myself for grumbling so much that i do not understand how the other party feel.

All that can describe the way i feel now.

awww.... i have a great time playing badminton with kim, roshini and james today. it has been a long time since i played it. woohoo. ahh.. i made a right choice today, staying for frisbee. haha. because.............my ec was there. yeah. aww..... i like my eye candy for one month already. one month of sweet sweet memories which i cannot forget. =D

James and roshini, we must be happy for we are 'happy' people. but i still understand because i'm sad right now.

3:11 AM | 0 comments

My life is all about complaining my own life. grumbling how sucks my life can be. yeah. and it sucks like hell. i need someone to tell me the 'wonderful' side of it if not, i will still carry this perspective through my whole entire Millennia time. haha. i need my motivation but that person isn't always there. arghh.. but nvm, yesterday can be considered as the bestest day of my whole entire 17 years of life. what happened? erm.. my eye candy smiled at me. woohoo!! and it was not those normal smile, it was... don't bother, because i am the only one who can interpret that smile of my eye candy. HAHA. just joking. roshini, stop saying that i am crazy. because i already am. and i don't think i can ever forget this wonderful period. weeee........ but my eye candy is so near yet so far. it has been 1 month. =D i just simply love my eye candy to death!!! NOOOOoooooooooOOOO i am not crazy.

Roshini! you better get your motivation back soon, if not i am going to kill you!
GP exam, this friday and i havn't prepare anything yet. i am so so dead.
to my eye candy, i yearn for ur smiles, so...... haha.... cheer me up coz you just simply make my day. my sweet sweet big eye candy! LOL.. i am so mad... so crazy.. i will never let you go.

3:38 AM | 0 comments

today, 13 MAy 2007.

GP exam is next week. GPP is due next week too. My life is just so sucks. I felt like closing down that frisbee club. It is really pathetic. Last friday, only 5 turned up for the training. Some msg me and told me that they can make it but in the end, where did all of you disappeared to? stand in my position and you will know why am i so farked up with all those attendance and attitudes things. Because i am starting to doubt their passion towards frisbee. Some of them just gave me stupid excuses not to turn up. Can't you understand how i feel? Or is it just me? Is it that i set my expectation too high? Oh well. Maybe i am lacked of leadership skill because i fear of losing friendships. that happened way back in st john. what am i going to do? i am so loss as those people who i thought would help me, gave me more troubles. Arghhh... i am really on the verge of breaking down.

argh... GP exam next week, GPP due next week. Life is so stressful. I don't see the point of having PW. The newpaper reflected on it, and i felt that it was very unfair. My grade will be at stake if i happened to get a teacher who is very unfair which i really really hope not so but .......... Just wait and see.

Anyway, i am more tanned than last friday. Woohooo and i am happy for that. Haha.

sometimes, i wish that i am your other half but reality just mould my thinking into a 'no'. when can i ever get you? when? i cant bring myself to forget you because i see you almost everyday. you are my emotion, my motivation and i will be at loss if you are not there. arghh. what should i do? why did i fall for you in the first place? why can't it be other people? tell me why!..! i am suck a freak.

7:44 AM | 0 comments

i felt cheated by the PI. no one told me that the 20% is shared among three components. PI is only the 6.6666667%. i swear that i will surely bear this grudge for sacrificing my precious time and feelings on it. i was farking stress with it. the need of editing and submitting so many drafts make me feel like a dumbass. when can i ever make this piece a perfect one? fancy working so hard for just 6.66666667%. i am one of those brainless people. but nvm, tmr is the deadline for it. after that i will not need to face this PI anymore!! weeeeeeeeeee..............

and anyway, i saw ZALINA today in the train! oh my god, i haven't seen this good friend of mine for months. she is so hot hot HOt now.. woooooOOooo. haha. yeah. we can meet up soon and play frisbee. i miss playing frisbee with you guys. miss all ur shoutings and screaming. haha.

erm.. kim.. it is ultimate frisbee, not UFO club. don't make it sounds like we are aliens.
my remedy is my orange, my yellow, or pink. hopefully tmr will turn out to be a better day. *crossed my fingers. i need to quit my obsession. get me a new one, and i will forget the old one.

PS: is anyone free tmr after 7? i want to hang out.